Tuesday 28 July 2020

How Effective Is A Taser Gun Than A Stun Gun?

Are you confused in making a selection between a stun or taser gun? Do you want to know how effective a taser is than a stun device? Well, stay here as we are going to answer all these questions of yours.

What Is A Taser?

A taser gun is a type of stun gun, but it does not classify all stun guns. It works by attacking the nervous system by delivering a high-voltage electric shock to the attacker's body.

A taser is a type of electroshock weapon. It is shot from a distance. This gun shoots probes towards the target which are connected to wires.

The probes are spare-shaped which penetrates clothing and sometimes skin as well. They emit an electric current that affects up to an area of 2 inches.

What Is A Stun Gun?

A stun gun has two or more spikes attached to it to deliver the electric shock. As this gun does not shoot out any type of probe so you have to come in contact with the person.

Usually, the two spikes have an electric arc between them that are physically visible. The other spikes have the same voltage as these spikes but they are not physically visible.

It is dangerous to use the stun gun against your attacker as the attacker can reach you in the time before you use your weapon. Though a stun gun is more comfortable and easily accessible than a taser weapon.

Pros & Cons Of Taser And Stun Gun Devices:

The pros and cons of having and using a stun gun or taser gun depending on which characteristics are most important to you, and are most helpful for the situation in which you could be using it.

Taser Pros:

· Distant range capacity provides a safe foot space of safety & protection with 50,000 volts of power.
· Being shot from two spikes can penetrate up to 2 inches of clothing.
· Simplifies target in devices with built-in laser sighting. You only have to line up the red dot and shoot.
· Taser weapon will stun the attacker for about 30 seconds thus giving you enough time to drop the weapon and escape from the situation.
· Taser has a direct contact stun gun back-up capability built into them to avoid any mishap such as misfire, missed target or attacker being too close.

Taser Cons:

· Both spikes must hit their target for the taser weapon to be effective, normally both do.
· Taser weapons are generally a bit expensive as compared to the stun guns.
· It requires the purchase of replacement firing cartridges and batteries magazine replacements throughout their life which is costly.

Stun Gun Pros:

· Stun guns come in all shapes, sizes and voltage powers. Voltage can vary from high to low.
· It is ideal for close contact self-defense. Nothing can beat the stun gun more efficiently.
· If you accidentally touch the attacker, the electric current will not pass back to you.
· You can fire a warning shot in the air before an actual attack to prevent the attack before it happens.
· They are less expensive as compared to taser weapons as they do not require replacement firing cartridges as most of them are rechargeable.

 Stun Gun Cons:

· Stun guns do not have distant range capabilities, they are best for close-range self-defense.
· To drop an attacker to the ground, you must come in contact with the person with the gun. 

Which Is More Effective: Taser Gun Or A Stun Gun?
Taser devices are a more effective and much safer option as compared to stun guns.

In the case of a taser device, you do not have to come in direct contact with your attacker.  You can discharge the taser device and escape from the scenario immediately for your safety. 

Similar to the actual gun, make sure to learn how to use a taser gun properly. As taser devices are not fatal but they are still daunting to handle. So, make sure to familiarize yourself with it. 

Moreover, remember, it is important to plan for these types of situations. You never know when you will find yourself in a risky situation like a person trying to steal your purse, wallet, or something else valuable to you.

Or even worse, if someone is trying to kidnap or hurt you physically, you must plan ahead of time and keep yourself protected.


After reading the pros and cons of both devices, we can conclude that a taser gun is a superior choice as it allows you to keep a distance and just immobilize the attacker rather than delivering a hurting shock.

If you can afford a taser, its ability to immobilize the attacker through muscular overrule makes it the most ideal self-defense weapon for civilians. So, buy it now!

Thursday 9 July 2020

5 Most Recommended Self Defense Weapons for Young Women

 self defense weapons
Young women are most vulnerable to attacks. They are reluctant to carry lethal weapons. Hence, they want nonlethal and effective self-defense weapons, and we have some suggestions for them. 

When youngsters leave their houses these days for night parties, they are likely to be attacked on their way back home. Generally, they are reluctant to carry self-defense weapons because they are the most lethal weapons that can cause a lot of harm. 

Anyways, if they get some nonlethal weapons, they will be keen to carry them. Following are the five most recommended self-defense weapons for young women:

1. Lipstick Stun Gun

A lipstick stun gun is an electroshock weapon designed like a real lipstick. It looks like a real lipstick as well. However, there are two prongs on the lipstick. 

These prongs can deliver a powerful electrical shock to immobilize the attacker if touched with the body of the attacker. 

2. Pepper Spray

A pepper spray is another self-defense weapon they won’t mind carrying because it is also nonlethal. It contains capsicum in a chili spray. It can cause serious effects and burning sensation to the eyes of the attacker. Hence, it can be effective though it is nonlethal. 

3. Ring Stun Gun

A ring stun gun is another small electroshock weapon. Young ladies can wear it around their fingers. You can walk comfortably while wearing it. 

When an attacker comes, just touch it with his body and give an electrical shock to immobilize him for a temporary period of time. 

4. Taser Gun

A taser gun is an electroshock weapon as well. It looks like a small pistol and has a trigger mechanism When you pull the trigger, two electrodes are shot from it. They hit the body of the attacker and connect to form a circuit and give an electrical shock. 

5. Stun Baton

A stun baton is another excellent self-defense weapon for young women. It is basically a small baton that features two prongs. You can beat the attacker using a baton. 

Also, you can use the prongs to deliver a strong electrical shock. So, these are the most recommended self-defense weapons to young ladies.

Friday 19 June 2020

7 Exceptional Self Defense Weapons for Survival Against the Attackers

 self defense weapons
There are many self defense weapons available in the market. However, finding an effective weapon is a struggle. We have come up with exceptional weapons to survive against the attackers. 

Not all weapons available in the market are as effective as these. There are three types of self defense weapons, including smart weapons, lethal weapons and lethal and smart weapons. 

We have enlisted all those weapons that are effective in battling the attackers. Following are the most exceptional self defense weapons to survive against the attackers:

1. Self Defense Keychain

A self defense keychain is nothing more than a small keychain. However, it is a specifically designed keychain for self defense. 

It is shaped like a cat’s face with two holes as the eyes and two spikes as the ears of the cat. These two spikes can be used to punch the attacker in his face to cause severe injuries. 

2. Taser Gun

A taser gun is an electroshock weapon that can deliver a strong electrical shock. It is shaped like a pistol and works like a pistol too. 

You can pull the trigger to shoot electrodes. Those electrodes touch the body of the attacker at some distance and cause an electrical shock to immobilize him.

3. Brass Knuckle Knife

A brass knuckle knife is a lethal self defense weapon. A blade is attached to the knuckles, making it a deadly weapon. You can wear the knuckles and punch the attacker using them. Also, you can use the blade afterwards to further injure him. 

4. Flashlight Stun Gun

Another electroshock weapon on the list. It looks like a flashlight or a torch. It contains two prongs. You can touch the body of the attacker with these prongs to deliver a strong electrical shock that immobilizes him or leaves him stunned. 

5. Pen Knife

A pen knife is a hidden blade that looks like a pen. It works like a pen too as it can be used for writing. However, there is a blade concealed inside it. You can remove the cover to open the blade when needed to battle the attacker. It is a lethal weapon for self defense. 

6. Push Dagger

A push dagger is a small dagger and the shortest ever. It features a small, thick blade with a sharp point on it, making it an ideal stabbing weapon. It provides a good grip, thanks to the ergonomic handle. It is also ideal to battle the attackers. 

7. Pocket Knife

A pocket knife is also used as a self defense weapon. It is easy to carry and is also an everyday carry knife. It has a small, folding blade. That small blade is sturdy enough to injure the attacker and serve your survival against him!

Tuesday 9 June 2020

5 Reasons Pepper Spray is the Most Effective Weapon for Self Defense

Pepper spray is a magnificent self-defense weapon and ideal for ladies. It is an effective weapon to deal with the attackers. 

It is nonlethal but causes enough damage to save you from the attackers. It is basically a small bottle of spray that contains capsicum as the active ingredient in it. Following are the reasons why a pepper spray is the most effective weapon for self-defense:

1. Usable from Some Distance

A pepper spray has some range. It can be sprayed from some distance. When sprayed on the face, it can cause damage even if the attacker is standing at some feet away from you. There is no need to go too close to the attacker. Stay at a safe distance and still do the damage! 

2. Causes Damage Quickly

A pepper spray can cause damage very quickly. As you spray it on the face of the attacker, it starts causing irritation to the eyes. It works incredibly faster and does the damage straight away. 

3. Causes Enough Damage

You may think pepper spray is a nonlethal weapon. Yes, it is non-lethal and it does not cause real damage. However, it inflicts enough damage to serve your survival. When it is sprayed on the face of the attacker, it starts irritating the eyes of the attacker. It can even cause temporary blindness. It also causes a burning sensation to the eyes. 

4. Easy to Carry & Use

Since pepper spray is a very small bottle of spray, it becomes very easy to carry. You can carry it in your bag or pocket. Yes, it fits well into your pocket. 

5. No Real Damage Done!

In the end, pepper spray is a non-lethal self-defense weapon that does not cause real damage, yes, it does cause temporary damage and burning effect. No long term damage is done!

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Types of Stun Gun & Benefits of Each for Self Defense

 stun guns
Stun gun is one of the finest self-defense weapons in 2020. It is a nonlethal weapon that gives an electrical shock to immobilize the attacker. It has several types and each offers different benefits. 

It comes in different shapes, styles, and sizes and today I am exploring all those. Stun guns are ideal when it comes to dealing with the attackers. 

Though they are nonlethal, they inflict enough damage to serve your defense. Here are the types of stun guns and benefits of each for self-defense:

1. Lipstick Stun Gun

Lipstick Stun gun is exactly what it seems like. Looks like a real lipstick, but does not have any lipstick inside. Rather, there is a powerful electroshock weapon that can give an electrical shock to immobilize the attacker and hence save you from his attack. 

2. Ring Stun Gun

A ring stun gun can be worn on a daily basis. It is a ring that is for those who often walk and jog. They can wear this in any of the fingers and use it for self-defense. There are two prongs that can be touched to the body of the attacker to give an electrical shock. 

3. Stun Baton

A stun baton looks like a small baton and has a stun gun featured in it. It allows you to use two weapons at the same time. You can use the baton to injure the attacker or use the prongs to give an electrical shock. 

4. Cell Phone Stun Gun

A cell phone stun gun looks exactly like a cell phone. My favorite is the istun 8 that looks like a real iPhone 8. It comes with two prongs as well. The idea is to make it undetectable for the attackers and the others. 

5. Flashlight Stun Gun

This stun gun comes with a flashlight feature. You can use the flashlight to see the attackers coming towards you from a distance. When it is dark, this is the right self-defense weapon. It also comes with a couple of prongs that can deliver a strong electrical shock to immobilize the attacker!

Monday 27 April 2020

7 Different Types of Stun Guns in 2020

The stun gun is an electroshock weapon and very popular today as a self-defense weapon. It is one of the most commonly used weapons to deal with the attackers. There is a massive list of self-defense weapons available in the market today. 

However, all these weapons are not the best when it comes to promising your survival against the attackers. You need the right weapon in your arsenal if you want to get rid of the attackers. So, which is the right weapon? A stun gun!

A stun gun meets the self-defense needs of the users. It is by far the most effective and ideal weapon you need in your arsenal in order to deal with the attackers. 

How does it meet your needs? It is generally a small device and easy to carry in the pocket. It is easy to use a weapon and requires you to just touch its two prongs to the body of the attacker in order to deliver an electrical shock. Anyways, here are the seven different types of stun guns in 2020:

1. Lipstick Stun Gun

A lipstick stun gun is a perfect self-defense weapon for women. It is designed like a real lipstick and ladies can carry it in their handbags with other cosmetics. 

It is hard to be detected by anyone. No one can determine that it is a real weapon. There are two prongs on it that deliver a strong electrical shock. 

2. Cell Phone Stun Gun

A cell phone stun gun looks like a real cell phone that you can carry in your pocket. Again, the idea is to make it an undetectable weapon. It is hard to be identified. It also contains two prongs that are touched to the body of the attacker to give an electrical shock. 

3. Stun Baton

A stun baton is a combination of two weapons, a baton and a stun gun. There is a small baton that you can use for lethal counter-attacks. Also, there is a stun gun featured on it to deliver an electrical shock. 

4. Flashlight Stun Gun

A flashlight stun gun is the most widely used type of stun gun and the most popular as well. It includes an additional advantage of a flashlight. You can see the attackers from a distance when it is dark outside. Also, there are two prongs to give an electrical shock to the attackers. 

5. Ring Stun Gun

A ring stun gun is another small-sized stun gun that is shaped like a ring. It is wearable in any of your fingers. Perhaps, it is the smallest electroshock device that can deliver a strong electrical shock. An ideal option for both men and women. 

6. USB Stun Gun

A USB stun gun, as the name suggests, is basically a USB. However, it contains two prongs that can be touched to the body of the attacker and deliver an electrical shock. It is small and can easily be carried in the pocket. It has a safety switch as well.

7. Knuckle Stun Gun

A knuckle stun gun is shaped like a real knuckle. It can be used in two ways against the attacker. Either use the knuckle to punch the attacker in his face or use the stun gun to give an electrical shock.

Read Also: Taser Gun - The 2020’s Most Appreciated Self Defense Weapon

Thursday 23 April 2020

5 Reasons Stun Gun is a Perfect Weapon for Self Defense

Stun gun is an electroshock weapon and the best among many electroshock weapons or devices available in the market. It is basically a self-defense weapon and is designed for this specific purpose. 

It comes in a variety of designs and shapes. At times, it is just a lipstick, sometimes a cell phone, and sometimes a flashlight. In any case, it is the finest weapon to deal with the attackers. It is an ideal weapon for anyone who wished to get rid of the attackers. Here are the reasons! 

1. Carried in the Pocket

Since a stun gun is a small-sized electroshock device, it can be carried in the pocket. It fits well into any pocket. 

The ideal scenario is you have your weapon in your pocket so that when an attacker comes, you quickly pull it out and defend yourself. Thankfully, a stun gun allows you to do so! 

2. No Using Complexity 

If you want to learn how to use a stun gun, it's quite simple! It is very easy to use the weapon and requires no training. You already know how to use it. 

There is no button or anything to use. You just need to touch its two prongs to the body of the attacker to deliver an electrical shock. 

3. Works Quickly

A stun gun works pretty quickly. As you touch the prongs to the body of the attacker, a powerful electrical shock is delivered straight away. This happens without a delay. In a self-defense situation, such a quick weapon is ideal.

4. The Damage is Severe

The damage done by the stun gun is quite severe as well. It is a powerful electroshock weapon that can give a strong electrical shock. With that shock, the attacker is immobilized for a long time and can’t make a move.

5. The Flashlight

Stun gun comes with a flashlight option as well and this makes it a perfect self-defense weapon. It provides light when it’s dark outside. It gives no advantage to the attacker. 

You are able to see the attacker coming towards you from a distance and get ready to face them. Apart from the flashlight, it contains two prongs to work as a real electroshock weapon!

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Friday 20 March 2020

Is a Taser Gun a Stun Gun? What is the Difference?

Taser guns and stun guns are not similar things. It is funny how people think that these are two similar things. Actually, they have a few similarities, but there are certainly massive differences between them. 

Today, I would like to remove the confusion. I would suggest the better weapon among them, but believe me, both these weapons are excellent for self-defense. 

Both are effective enough to serve your survival. Here are some differences and similarities between the taser gun and a stun gun. 

Both are Electroshock Weapons

Taser gun and a stun gun, both are electroshock weapons that deliver a powerful electrical shock. They are used mainly for self-defense and their effects are almost similar. 

They can stun the attacker or immobilize him. The capacity differs as per the product. A few can deliver stronger electrical shocks compared to the rest. 

Taser Works Like a Pistol

Taser gun looks like a pistol and works like a pistol as well. It is a small pistol that can be carried in the pocket. 

There is a trigger on it, and when you pull the trigger, it delivers a strong electrical shock. It shoots electrodes that form a circuit and deliver the shock. 

Stun Gun Works Differently

Stun gun, on the other hand, has a different working mechanism. It features a couple of prongs on it. 

When you touch these prongs to the body of the attacker, it delivers an electrical shock to immobilize the attacker. However, you need to touch the prongs to his body, otherwise, it does not work. 

Taser Can Be Used from a Distance

Taser gun provides an edge over a stun gun because it can be used from a distance. A stun gun requires you to make the dangerous move of heading towards or getting closer to the attacker. 

However, taser saves you from this hassle. You can stay at a safe distance and pull the trigger to shoot electrodes. The electrical shock is delivered from a distance. 

Taser is Better than Stun Gun

In conclusion, I can say that a taser gun is a better choice compared to a stun gun. This is mainly because taser keeps you away from the attacker which is a safe option. 

Stepping towards him can be extremely dangerous. With a taser in your hands, you can stay away from him and still do the damage. 

So, I feel it is necessary to educate you which is the right self-defense weapon to use against the attackers!

Read Also: 3 Exceptional Camping & Hunting Knives in 2020

Friday 6 March 2020

Which is the Best Stun Gun for Self Defense?

A lot of people ask me this question. Which is the best stun gun for self-defense? First of all, let me tell you that a stun gun is the best weapon for self-defense. 

Then, we come to its types. There is a reason people prefer it over other weapons. 

Since there are a lot of weapons in the market, why are people eager to use it for dealing with the attackers? Let’s explore the reasons behind this, and then figure out the best stun gun. 

Why Would You Prefer a Stun for Self Defense?

There is every reason to prefer a stun gun for self-defense. It is small, easy to carry and easy to use. It is just a small-sized device that can be carried in the pocket. 

It is incredibly small that it fits well into your pocket. So, you can carry it easily and stay equipped with the weapon to battle the attackers. 

Secondly, it is very easy to use. It contains two prongs on it and these prongs do the job. 

All you have to do is touch these prongs to the body of the attacker to deliver a powerful electrical shock. This shock is so powerful that it can immobilize the attacker for some time.

Which is the Best Stun Gun?

So, let’s reveal the best stun gun. To me, the best is the flashlight stun gun, and let me tell you exactly why it is the best. 

Why Flashlight Stun Gun is the Best for Self Defense?

The flashlight stun gun is a small-sized device shaped like a flashlight or a torch. It contains two prongs as you expect from electroshock weapons. 

These two prongs are touched to the body of the attacker to deliver that electrical shock. Most importantly, it features a flashlight. It provides light to allow you to see attackers coming towards you. 

Since most attacks take place at midnight, flashlight stun guns are an ideal weapon for self-defense

It can enlighten your path and show you if an attacker is coming towards you. Also, it can keep you ready to face an attacker even at midnight. So, to me, this is the best!

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